Hdf5 File Handling

HDF5 is a file format which to store numerical data. It is widely used in Machine Learning space.

There are two main concept in HDF5

  • Groups: work like dictionaries
  • Datasets: work like NumPy arrays

HDF5View application to view HDF file

HDF5View can be downloaded from hdfgroup web page.

Open a file will have a view like this to navigate.


There is also a python library hdf5Viewer While it does not support Python3. And there few dependencies not easy to fulfill on Mac

HDF5 Handling with Python

Install h5py package

pip install h5py

Import package

import h5py

Open a file

train_dataset = h5py.File('datasets/train_catvnoncat.h5', "r")

Get the direct child keys

# Direct calling keys will get the following output
# Which can not determin what's inside
# KeysView(<HDF5 file "train_catvnoncat.h5" (mode r)>)
# While we could loop over it
for key in train_dataset.keys():

child_keys = [k for k in train_dataset.keys()]

Get all child keys

all_child_keys = []

Get child data set

train_set_x = train_dataset['train_set_x']

# Direct access a dataset will get the following output
    <HDF5 dataset "train_set_x": shape (209, 64, 64, 3), type "|u1">

Convert to the real array data by


Write hdf5 file. The data in the following example is numpy array.

data_set = np.random.randn(3, 4)
classes = [b'cat', 'notcat'.encode('utf-8')]
with h5py.File("dataset.hdf5", "w") as f:
    f.create_dataset(name="train_set_x", data=data_set, compression='gzip', compression_opts=9)
    f.create_dataset(name="classes", data=classes)

The string data set write to HDF5 has to be encoded to binary.

HDF5 support compression when create dataset

hdf5 and json conversion

Install the python package with

pip install h5json

Convert a HDF5 file to json with

python -m h5json.h5tojson.h5tojson convolutional.h5 > convolutional.json

Only output the structure by provide command line option -D

python -m h5json.h5tojson.h5tojson -D convolutional.h5 > convolutional-structure-only.json

The output json will have alias linked to inside. It is not always easy to interpret.

h5json output example

Written on April 12, 2018