Engineers' preference as an employee - A small survey

Engineers’ preference as an employee - A small survey

As an engineer, I value certain things more than the others as an employee. To have a comprehensive view on the perference, an anonymous survey was conducted on the attendees in a technical meetup event Big Data and Machine Learning Pipeline @ Tink. Apache Spark is used to anaylze the survey data in case that the data size increases in the future.

The question used in this survey is What is the Most Important Thing to You as an Employee.

Survey Answer Rate

Here is a short code to load the survey data and get the count of attendees who answered the survey, and who does not answered.

from pyspark.sql.functions import *
df ="")
answered = df.filter("trim(value) == ''").count()
not_answered = df.count() - answered

Among 130 attendees, 62 answered, 68 not answered.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Here is the spark code to do NLP: tokenizing into words, stemming the words and removing the stop words.

spark-shell --packages com.github.master:spark-stemming_2.10:0.2.1

import org.apache.spark.mllib.feature.Stemmer

val survey ="./")
val not_empty = survey.filter("trim(value) != ''")
val words = => v.toLowerCase.split("\\s")).toDF("words")
val stemmed = (new Stemmer()

val remover = (new StopWordsRemover()
val removed = remover.transform(stemmed)

Here is a word cloud generated with a word count tool.

The most frequently mentioned word

From the word cloud, the most mentioned word is learn. Here is a short code to get the information of the answer with most frequently mentioned word.

df_learn = df.filter(lower(col("value")).contains("learn"))
no_learn = df_learn.count(), False)

There are totally 12 attendees mentioned learn. (# One attendee answer was Machine Learning, which is not exactly the same with other learn mean)

Some interesting outcomes:

Beside the most frequently mentiond word learn, here are some of interesting answers.

  • Challenging work with talented people
  • Quality leadership
  • Delevering code bug free and with optimum performance

Thanks for all the attendees give the answer.

Learning is simply important according to the survey, while the question is more about How to create a learning culture?

And What is the Most Important Thing to You as an Employee?

Written on September 24, 2019